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  • Tuesday, May 13, 2014

    Cardamom-Health Benefits!



    1. Cardamom fight against gas. It helps to relieve gas and heart burn.
    2. Cardamom gives instant relief from the headache. applying the paste over forehead gives the relief.)
    3. Cardamom is useful for the protection against heat stroke. One should chew a cardamom while going outside home in sun.
    4. Aromatic cardamom acts as breath freshener because of its fragrance.
    5. Cardamom is very good refinement spice against caffeine. (detoxifies caffeine).
    6. Helpful in balancing all the three doshas that's why termed as "tridoshic"Little quantity of cardamom is beneficial in balacing kapha".
    7. Useful in various kinds of respiratory disorders. In sore throat beneficial.
    8. Cardamom also helps in asthma and whooping-cough. Make a paste by adding cardamom powder and honey. Regular use of this mixture will give you relief from asthma and whooping-cough.
    9. Cardamom has very good anti-spasmodic abilities so it is very helpful in stopping spasms and tremors.
    10. Cardamom helps in the stimulation and regulation process of discharge of gastric juices and balances stomach acids.
    11. Cardamom helps greatly to cure teeth gum and tooth infections.
    12. Cardamom supports the detoxification process of the body and helps to filter the entire body.
    13. Cardamom is useful in the problems of urinating. You just have to eat cardamom added in to amla, curd, or honey.
    14. Cardamom warms the respiratory tract and by doing this, it increases the circulation to the lungs.
    15. It helps those suffering from stomach cramps (cardamom + long pepper + clarified butter).
    16. Cardamom is a boon for vocalists as it helps in improving voice.
    17. It has some role in relieving hiccups.
    18. It is one of the antidepressant in Ayurveda.
    19. Good remedy in vomiting.
    20. Cardamom's aroma has encouraging effects on the nervous system. It gives healthy feelings during the period of weakness.


    Cardamom Tea Benefits
    Cardamom Tea may help treat indigestion, prevent stomach pain, and relieve flatulence.
    Click here to watch this video

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