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  • Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Tips to Fill Petrol and Diesel:


    Tips to Fill Petrol and Diesel:

    Fuel at night or early morning:
    It is better to buy or fill up your car or bike during early morning, when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks underground. .
    The colder the ground, the more dense the fuel. When it gets warmer, petrol expands. So, buying in the afternoon or in the evening, your liter is not exactly a liter.

    In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature play an important role. 1 degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

    Fill fuel when half tank empty:
    Another most important tip is to fill up when your tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more fuel you have in your tank the less is the air occupying its empty space. Petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine.

    Nozzle trigger should not be in the fast mode:

    While filling petrol, the nozzle trigger should not be in the fast mode, instead it should be in the low stage to minimize the impacts of vapour and to have maximum economy of petrol.
    If you see properly, you will find that the trigger has three stages-
    Low, Medium, and High. Filling petrol at the faster rate means you have more gas with your liquid petrol.

    Don't fill petrol while tanker are unloading petrol:

    It is important to notice this as when the tankers fill fuel at the fuel station all the dirt that is settled at the bottom gets disturbed and if you are fueling at the same time it can get into your vehicle tank along with fuel - it can affect your engine.

    Proper tyre pressure:
    Tyre pressure must be checked once every two weeks. It helps to reduce the drag while driving thus increasing your mileage. There is a label in your car just when you open the driver seat which tells you the tyre pressure.

    Service vehicle regularly:
    During car service, always get three things replaced - oil, oil filter air filter. If you can find a reliable mechanic then you can do it at low cost.

    Replace spark plugs:
    once every 5 years, you must replace the spark plugs, use a better quality spark plug not the ordinary one which comes with the stock car. It improves your fuel combustion thus giving more mileage and it improves your Air condition performance.

    Clear of unwanted items from the car:
    It is important that you remove all the unwanted items whenever you are starting to move around. Every extra kilo of weight will need additional fuel, decreasing the mileage.

    12 Fuel tips for Motorists
    Saving 1 litre daily can save you thousands per year
    watch carefully

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