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  • Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Aishwarya on Red Carpet


    Aishwarya on Red Carpet
    Click here to see her selected photos from red carpet events.
    Practice of High Fashion MakeUp Click here to attend a makeup class.
    Bridal Makeup AssesmentTry to avoid bringing lots of people for your make-up assessment. The reason is because if there are friends or family members who are vocal and opinionated, you might find yourself bring persuaded into a look you know you won't like it in the end. What truly matters is your own opinion considering it will be your special big day and you want it to look the very best way you want it to be. If possible, you might want to do up your hair together so you can see how you look like as a whole.
     Natural Make-UpThe most important tip for daytime makeup is that woman should clean her skin with soap and
    water by using her favorite cleaning product. Then apply the moisturizer to her entire face.
    Beautiful Photos from AJ&K.
    Click here to see Part 1 and Part 2


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