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  • Sunday, June 16, 2013

    About InfoLinks Advertising Network .


     is a global advertising platform offering ad solutions for both publishers and advertisers. Different online advertisers utilize the Infolinks Self-Serve Marketplace to customize their own campaign. Advertising with their network means delivering brand messages to engaged users.

    Online bloggers and website owners monetize their websites with Infolinks while keeping the integrity and layout of their sites undisturbed. Their publishers can select their winning ad combination from our ad unit buffet: InSearch, InTag, InFrame and InText. It takes less than a minute to integrate ad codes on a publisher’s site.

    Easy to join- You can join Infolinks even if you own a blogspotblog, so it can be a good adsense alternative.It needs to be quality though because ‘content is king’.

    No additional space required- This is a great advantage of using Infolinks.You do no really require any kind of specific space allotted for infolinksads.So,you can participate in selling advertisement spaces.

    High CTR- Infolinks have a very high Click through rate since advertisements are within the post itself. This factor is very important since the higher the number of traffic coming in,the more the chances of making money.

    Maximum revenue sharing- According to the company and many sources,Infolinks is believed to pay out one of the highest revenues in the online advertisemet market.

    Infolinks ads are Seo and user friendly- Yes,Infolinks ads are very user friendly.They are good for Search engine optimisation too.if you keep the right density,even the visitors can like the ads because at times,it can be useful and informative for them.

    Real time reporting- You really don’t have to wait long for results to see for yourself.Five minutes to see the results in the marketplace is what infolinks claims.

    Choosing an InfoLink color - By default green is the color assigned to your ad units and it does tend to perform very well. You can choose a different ad color if you want the links to look more natural and not like advertisements. Its always a good idea to choose pleasing colors like green and light blue.

    Choosing Category - In the integration section you will find a place to define the category, which determines the type of the ads you will receive. This helps a lot in increasing your click through rate, because then you will get more targeted ads. More clicks mean more money.

    Ad Placement Control - You have the option of choosing which sections to displays InfoLink ads by using INFOLINKS_OFF and INFOLINKS_ON tags. This way you can show more of your ads withing the post content instead of places like previous posts,Introduction text etc.

    Infolinks Payments: As of on writing this post, the minimum payout is $50 and PayPal is used as the default payment system. You can as well use various other payment options like Western Union, Bank wire transfer, Check etc…But, I personally prefer PayPal as its an easy way to receive money online.

    Infolinks Payment Cycle: Infolinks calculates your earnings at the end of each month for that month and issues your payment within 45 days of the end of the payment period, which is the standard industry practice.
    If you haven’t reached the minimum payment threshold ($50), then all those earnings will be forwarded to the next month and will be paid during the next payment cycle.

    I will definitely recommend Infolinks if you meet the above criteria.You must try different advertising networks just to find out which one really suits you. A lot also depends on your future goals for your website or blog.

    For Visit the website and Sign Up at

    It is also requested to share yours views about InfoLinks  Advertising Network . with Us.

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    We take the enforcement of all terms and conditions seriously, and we aim to run a clean network which operates on fair principles. We also investigate all reports of abuse.

    If you encounter something you think might constitute abuse (for example, spam or inappropriate content) which you believe has come from our network or systems, please read through the information on this page carefully. It explains how you can report it.

    What is abuse?

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    • Hacking attempts
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    • Phishing
    • Web space abuse

    We work to minimise the amount of abuse that is generated on our servers. You can help us by reporting any abuse you spot which you believe has come from the PutIdea network.

    Please report all abuse by emailing us at Please include as much information as you can about the type of abuse you've encountered. Please also provide log files (if applicable), URLs for site abuse and email headers for spamming.

    Once we've received your email, we'll investigate the issue thoroughly, contact any relevant customers and work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

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