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    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    [nidokidos] Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq


    "Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq"
    The war in Iraq is coming to an end, says Barack Obama with the withdrawal of U.S. troops,
    set to conclude within weeks. He was speaking at a joint news conference with Iraq's Prime Minister, who's
    on an official visit to Washington. Obama says the troops are leaving a sovereign and self-reliant Iraq.
    But Iraqis say after almost a decade of occupation, their country is simply cast adrift.

    The withdrawal of American military forces from Iraq has been a contentious issue within the United States
    since the beginning of the Iraq War. As the war has progressed from its initial 2003 invasion phase to a
    multi-year occupation, U.S. public opinion has turned in favor of troop withdrawal. As of May 2007,
    55 percent of Americans believed that the Iraq war was a mistake, and 51 percent of registered voters
    favored troop withdrawal.In late April 2007, the U.S. Congress passed a supplementary spending bill for
    Iraq that sets a deadline for troop withdrawal, but President Bush vetoed this bill soon afterwards.
     All US Forces are mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of
    a bilateral agreement signed in 2008.
    On July 18, 2007, after an all-night debate, the Senate blocked the passage of a bill that would have set
    a troop withdrawal timetable with a vote of 52-47. The withdrawal would have started within 120 days,
    and would have required that all troops be out of the country by April 30, 2008.
    But they are still in Iraq and today once again Obama decleard to withdrawal of U.S troops.
    The reasons behind withdrawl U.S troops :
    From the very day , it is not justified that why invaded in Iraq .
    They have n't found any kind of mass destruction  weapons and is not even linked to the al Qaeda terrorist group in Iraq.
    In addition to losing many lives and much more money, the United States has lost most of its allies because
    it goes against the principles of war to attack a country that is not a threat.
    Also, it is a bad decision that the Bush Administration attacked Iraq simply to control their oil supply.
    Day by day U.S is going down due to its involvement in wars and attacks around the world.
    financial crisis , job insecurity and increasing national debt compell to review the decisions taken in past .

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