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    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    [nidokidos] This Game is not suitable for girls


    This Game is not suitable for girls
    Every one can play any games either girls or boys , yet it is fact that some games are not suitable for girls .
    This is all due to physical difference and construction of their bodies .
    Physical difference of Girls and Boys:
    There are many differences between girls and boys , scuh are given below ....

    1-normally boys are heavier and tall with comparison to girls .
    2-girls have no hair on their body as compare to boys , like on their chest .
    3-girls are more sensitive and boys are strong .
    4-Body growth of girls is fast as compre to boys .
    5-Boys have larger heart and lungs , in this way they have more capcity to produce red blood cells .
    6-girls need more oxygen as compare to boys during exercise and walking .
    7-female reproducton process is minmized at the age of 35 , but males are able even in the old age .
    8-males skin is more protective and absorbtive to females , this is why males skin remain oily and thiker.
    9-fat ratio is grater in females as compre to males .
     10-male and females have different levels of certain hormones; for example, men have a higher concentration
    of androgens such as testosterone, while women have a higher concentration of estrogens.
    11-their is no difference in the intelligence level , and have equal weigh of mind as compare to their body weigh.
    12-males have better vision in lighted area , but females have better night vision .
    13-Males are risk taker as compare to females .
    14-males are muscular as compare to females .

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