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    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    [nidokidos] Contemplation: October 02, 2019: Balance


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    Maintain the balance of responding to situations with a cool head and to people with a warm heart.

    Why do most of us find resolving situations quite difficult?

    Because we're in the heart of the situation and part of the equation, we're carrying a lot of 'baggage'. This affects our ability to come up with the correct resolution.

    So, learn to step out of the equation. Detach yourself from your emotions and your history with the story. Then you're more likely to see the equation clearly and, as a result, be able to resolve the situation.

    The Power To Withdraw (cont.)

    When I am too open to the world around me, it's as though the arrows of negativity that fly around can easily penetrate my being, so that I lose my power. What others say and do quickly affects me, and I become reactive. This causes a build-up of stress, and eventually burnout, which makes me feel my only option, is to retire from situations altogether, which is not always possible.

    I don't want to react; I want to act with concern and reason and effectiveness. When I develop the habit of making a momentary withdrawal in situations of danger, I'm better able to achieve this. Turning within, I'm able to remember my link with the divine, the link of love, the link that fills me with peace and wisdom and good wishes. It's like an exercise: going inwards i.e. connecting with the self, then upwards towards the Supreme and then outwards (in the field of karma). Doing this repeatedly through the day as a discipline as well as at times of danger, I'll keep moving forward with stability and strength.

    In order to maintain this power, I have to put a high value on introversion. If I'm too extrovert, I'll become caught up in external circumstances, and won't have power to withdraw available to me at the moment of need.

    Soul Sustenance 

    Busy – Press The Stop Button! (Part 2) 

    Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party spoiler of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful and create something beautiful, because we're too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone, one of the favourite pastimes of our current lifestyle. 

    We've talked of being busy for so long that we've forgotten that being busy was never the goal. We are not on this earth to be busy. We are here to build relationships, experience life, go places, create things, help others, or whatever else you decide. Our reasons for being will all be different but if you reflect deeply, you will realize and also feel that none of us feel we are here simply to be busy. But this thinking has lead us to think being busy is good, no matter what we're busy with. Being busy is not the way we should measure our worth and being busy is a not a worthy goal for any of us. Before you know it, you might get caught up being busy doing worthless things. Sadly the business world continues to train us this way as employees are expected to put in 8-10 hours of work a day even though on some days they might have only 2 or 4 hours of productive things to do. Poor training! 

    God's plan for enlarging and creating His beautiful kingdom of heaven, a new world order of peace, love and happiness of the future is so simple - one person telling another about God, the Savior and the Liberator i.e. giving the Supreme's message of joyful, loveful and spiritual soul-conscious existence to each one. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake, that someone who is to receive the message from you.. The joy you'll have when you see that person in a liberated and joyful state not only here but in that kingdom of heaven being created will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel or message with him by taking out time from your busy existence. 

    (To be continued tomorrow …) 

    Message for the day 

    To stamp every thought with the stamp of determination is to be victorious. 

    Expression: When there is determination in thoughts, there is naturally the ability to give the best in spite of all the obstacles. Situations will not deter such a person from achieving what he set out to. And so there is naturally constant victory for the one who is always determined. 

    Experience: When there is determination in my thoughts, I am never afraid, whatever happens. In fact obstacles only serve to strengthen determination. I never give up what I have started. It is determination that enables me to add power to my thoughts and make them practical. 


    Posted by: Satya <>
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