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    Sunday, March 17, 2019

    [nidokidos] True Love


    True Love

    Love is a powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us feeling light and airy. Yet it has been the most abused and misused force. Many degraded things pass for love. True love is based on understanding, mutual trust and respect and not simply on transient emotions. Love is being in balance, that is, in harmony with the self, God and each other. Love dwells in the soul. We must allow this love to flow out and around us. Without love, all of life's treasures are locked away from our vision and experiences, for indeed 'love is the key.'

    When we think of sharing, we sometimes wonder if it is really
    beneficial. Normally the belief is that when we share anything or
    resource, we find ourselves a little poorer with that resource. So we
    do not want to consistently share which is believed will bring benefit
    only to the other person. When we share inner resources like
    happiness, peace, love etc. we are enriched. Every time we give, we
    not only get back from others but also experience that quality
    ourselves. When we share our physical resources too, it is our own
    experience which is important than the outcome. That means, I enjoy
    giving itself rather than expect appreciation (which may or may not

    Beginning Your Spiritual Journey With Acceptance (cont.)

    In yesterday's message, we had explained some facts of spirituality, which if accepted initially, help us restore our personal relationship with the Supreme Father or God and experience Him easily. Given below are some more facts:

    4. Accept that God does not reside in the physical world, He is not present everywhere as is the common belief, but He is a very real, individual and unique Being, staying in the incorporeal (non-physical) or soul world, situated beyond the physical world.

    5. Accept that God is a loving Parent of the soul who does not give sorrow, pain or punishment to His children but who only wants the best for them -- He is a gentle and understanding Father and Mother who not only knows why we loose our true self awareness and, as a result, create sorrow for ourselves; but also helps us regain that awareness.

    6. Accept that experiencing God does not require blind devotion. Also accept that it does not take many births of penance to find and establish your connection with the Supreme - only one second, and the right kind of thoughts. The process of creating the right, positive and spiritual thoughts so as to connect with God is called meditation.

    Soul Sustenance

    Changing Your Belief System To Overcome Feelings Of Revenge - Part 2

    The urge for revenge and the false taste of victory or happiness related to it can only end when the belief, that others are responsible for what you feel, is seen as a false one. Only when you take full responsibility for whatever thoughts and feelings you create will it be possible to end the anger and the hatred that seeks revenge. When someone hurts me, I create a negative image of myself and the other person in my mind's eye, in different ways. I see myself and the other in a negative light, myself as a victim and the other person as a victimizer. I need to stop doing that and see myself and the other in a positive light, in the same light as before, irrespective of the negativity that the other has radiated to me. When we do that, we will stop pointing the finger at others for whatever hurt we may feel. Only when it is fully seen and accepted that someone can hurt or harm my vehicle, the physical body, but not me, the controller or driver of the vehicle, will rage and the desire for revenge stop existing inside my consciousness.

    When I start seeing the person who has committed some negative action which is projected towards me, with an innocent, unbiased, untarnished vision, hatred will be transformed into love and compassion for both, me and the other person. Then it will be possible to be totally free of all judgment, criticism and any desire to seek justice and take pleasure and experience victory when justice is delivered. Only then will it be possible to rediscover true happiness in life, because as long as there is even the slightest trace of an urge to seek revenge for what someone has done to me, and the desire to experience the false happiness which is experienced when such revenge is delivered; both of which, the happiness and the revenge, are forms of subtle violence; true everlasting and deep peace, contentment and happiness can never be experienced.

    Message for the day

    To finish excuses is to take up full responsibility.

    Expression: To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output.

    Experience: When I am responsible, it is not important for me why a mistake happened, but it is more important for me to find a method so that I am able to rectify what has gone wrong. So when I am responsible I am neither worried nor concerned too much for whatever has happened. On the other hand I am able work with lightness to improve the situation.

    Your Divine Friend

    11 Signs Your Love Will Last a Lifetime

    Every happy couple has their own moments. These moments are usually the small things that can't be planned in advance. It's almost impossible to provide a "happiness" formula, but it's much easier to draw some happy marriage moments.

    Click here to watch video



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