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    Friday, July 29, 2016

    [nidokidos] 8 Tried And Tested Anxiety Busters That Work Every Single Time


    It's natural to feel a little anxious now and then. Be it life, relationship, future or our jobs -  we all get anxious about the unknown. Trying to get the negative feelings out of our heads doesn't work all the time. Latest researches however, have found some simple and scientific techniques to manage anxiety and day to day stress. Here are a few.



    1. You need to move around

    Sedentary lifestyle is also one of the major reasons of anxiety and panic attacks. So the moment you get one or you feel it coming, immediately go out breathe some fresh air and have a glass of water. If you are in office, walk around the block and sit quietly for some time. We are not asking you to run or  anything but you immediately need to move from the spot for that moment.


    2. Soothing fragrances help

    If you are someone who frequently gets such attacks, keep some essential oils on your person to calm yourself down. Try sniffing some basil, lavender or chamomile oil because they are known to reduce tension in the body and helps increase mental clarity.


    3. Breathe into your stomach

    If you breathe like this, it tends to press the vagus nerve and gives a signal to your brain that you are safe.


    4. Acknowledge what you feel

    The moment you become aware of what you are going through, it helps to ground you in the present.


    5. Hold an ice cube

    This might sound a little weird, but there is a scientific reason behind this as well. Holding a cube of ice in your hand and keeping it there for few seconds can bring the brain back to present.


    6. Leave the situation/place for that moment

    At times taking break also helps, getting away from the situation can help you get grounded.


    7. Listen to music

    Music can actually help you escape the reality for a moment and has been proven to affect heart rate and the mood as well.


    8. Exercise

    If you have major anxiety issues, then it is strongly advised you exercise regularly. Physical activity helps to increase the serotonin and helps release the pent up energy and endorphins.



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