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    Sunday, November 22, 2015

    [nidokidos] Universal Children's Day | 2015


    Universal Children's Day | 2015
    November 20, The Universal Children's day marks the day on which the UN General Assembly adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" to recognize the need of special safeguards, care and legal protection for children by reason of their physical and mental immaturity. The mankind owes to the child the best it has to give, to the end, that he may have a happy childhood and enjoy for his own good and for the good of the society the rights and freedoms without distinction or discrimination. The declaration calls upon parents, men and women as individuals, voluntary organizations, local authorities and national governments to recognize these rights and strive for their observance.
    We Pakistanis, as the custodians of the dream of Iqbal and the vision of Jinnah have to ask ourselves why and how we have fallen to the depths we have, in our duty to our children. These pure souls sent to us by God are neglected, discriminated against, not provided for and abused in the worst possible manner right in front of our eyes but nothing pierces our stupor.
    With millions of children out of school, millions in substandard schools, and an unknown number out in the streets fending for themselves and doing child labor, each one of us carries a very heavy burden whether we choose to acknowledge it or not…
    Let this Universal day of Children be the day when we say no more. Let each one of us in our own capacity look around and be a support for children around us. Let us raise our voices in any manner we can to move our governments into action.
    What does school mean to you?
    We asked children in countries impacted by conflict and natural disasters what school meant to them. We have heard from children in Gaza, Central African Republic, Malawi, Lebanon, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Nigeria. What do you think?
    They're UpForSchool - are you? Watch & then share your answer!
    And join 10 million others around the world - sign the petition at


    Posted by: "Alex Sokurov" <>
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