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    Friday, July 31, 2015

    [nidokidos] People are not even able to pray in Masjid Al Aqsa in peace



    People are not even able to pray in Masjid Al Aqsa in peace
    Disgusted by the storming of Al Aqsa and the beating of women, children and the elderly by Israeli cowards.
    There was a time when Masjid Al Aqsa used to be the Qiblah and now people are not even able to pray there in peace.
    Ummah needs a Muatasim to rule by Qur'an and utilise the ummah's resources to liberate ‪Palestine‬. May Allah bless us with the re-establishment of the Khilafah Rashidah.
    The so called rulers are good to bomb their brothers and sisters in coalitions with Western States and they can also easily lend their bases and soil for the same purpose.
    The same cowards who calls himself sovereigns and that control the Muslim armies cannot get their brothers and Islam's Holy places to the rescue. They are only on orders from their masters in the west and never in favour of Islam and muslims. You have always been and will always be traitors.

    Beautiful Adhan from Masallah al-Aqsa
    Adhan from the blessed Masjid of Masallah al-aqsa within the al-Aqsa complex.


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