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    Friday, July 31, 2015

    [nidokidos] 8 Surprising Benefits of Going Bald


    8 Surprising Advantages of Going Bald

    Hair loss and going bald is one of the scariest worries men have. The strands of hair found on the pillow, the small patches of hair that continue to grow - all these are a real source of anxiety for many men. But the loss of hair and going bald doesn't need to be that bad. It turns out being bald has its own advantages, which can even be a positive process. So instead of focusing on the negatives, educate yourselves about the good points of going bald.

    1. You have a lower risk of cancer
    A study researching prostate cancer found that men who started losing their hair at a young age had 45% less chance of getting prostate cancer than men with a full head of hair. The study found that long-term exposure to large quantities of testosterone, which is one of the causes for male baldness, can slow down the development of tumors in the body, in direct contrast to the previous belief that testosterone actually encourages the development of cancerous growths.

    2. You have a more efficient metabolism

    Despite the negative effect on the scalp, high levels of testosterone in the male body have a positive influence - they boost the metabolism process and help the body get in shape, maintain a healthy weight and develop bodily muscles. Studies have also shown that men with a high level of testosterone have a lower concentration of fat in the face, which may contribute to a stronger, more sculpted face.

    3. You're seen as more masculine

    Another study researching the effects of male baldness asked hundreds of young men and women to voice an opinion on photos of men with full hair and then give their opinion of the same men whose hair was digitally removed from the photos. The men presented were seen as stronger, more assertive and even taller in the photos where they were shown as bald. The study even suggested an explanation of the phenomenon - a bald scalp is seen by many as assosicated with more "manly" professions, such as soldiers, cops and fire fighters.

    4. You save time and money

    Shampoo, conditioner, combs, brushes, cremes and the hair dresser - we may not notice, but these expenses add up. Men who have already lost their hair aren't required to spend money on grooming their hair. Another great advantage is the saving of TIME - as you'll never have to spend time messing around with it or making it look better. Most importantly, your showers become so much faster than they used to be - you can be done in a minute or have lots of time to just enjoy the rush of hot water.

    5. You look great in any hat

    That's right, no hat hair for you. Bald men can make any hat look good. Add a pair of neat looking sunglasses and you look like a million bucks every time you leave the house. Try any hat you want, a baseball cap, a fedora - you can even bring top hats back in style! They all look great on you.

    6. You have an advantage in business dealings

    Bald men are seen by many as having better leadership potential, as more assertive and as more powerful. These impressions give them an edge in the business world. That said, studies show that men whose hair is falling out and do not shave their heads are actually seen as weak and insecure. That is why experts recommend that men who are losing their hair bite the bullet and completely shave their head. Some experts also mention that some of the strongest and most influential leaders of all time lost their hair, including Winston Churchill, Vladimir Lenin, Mahatma Gandhi and Vladimir Putin.

    7. You don't have to face the worst male worry

    According to leading psychologists, the fear of going bald is one of the worst fears men have. Thinking about it all the time can be very exhausting and debilitating. Many men consult with skin specialists, pay fortunes every month for all sorts of medicine and even count the number of hairs falling out daily. If you've already said goodbye to your hair, you've probably already realized it's not that bad, and you are no longer accompanied by this daily fear.

    8. You keep looking the same age
    Men who are bald may look older - at first. But as time goes by, they have no hair to turn grey or hair to lose, so other than a few wrinkles, they keep looking the same age as they always have. Take Patrick Stewart or Bruce Willis, for example, both bald men who have looked the same age for decades!

    However, If you're not quite ready to give up your head of hair, find out the natural ways to prevent baldness.


    Hair Fall Home Remedies | Stop Hair Loss Naturally

    Hair fall or Alopecia is very embarrassing and you tend to feel helpless and confused. Stress, Lack of proper nutrition, Aging, Weakness, Harmonal changes, Anemia and Pregnacy are the major causes of Hair loss. There are many home remedies, by which we can overcome this problem.

    Click here to watch this video



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