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    Monday, May 6, 2013



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    Nome, Alaska July 4th parade on Front Street

    July 4th,1916 parade on Front Street in Nome, Alaska ..
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    Poncho Villa on Horseback

    Josoroteo Arango Arula (5 June 1878 - 20 July 1923),
    better known by his pseudonym Francisco Villa
    or his pet name (hypocorism) Pancho Villa, was one of the most
    prominent Mexican Revolutionary generals.
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    New York City Fire Department

    Firemen posed on fire engine, New York City� circa. 1908 .
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    Titanic Survivors

    Here`s a stunning image of Titanic survivors on way to
    rescue ship Carpathia. It was taken in 1912.
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    Shoe Shine

    Peddlers; shoe shine. Sept. 13, 1911.
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    Teddy Roosevelt Speaking

    Teddy Roosevelt giving a fiery speech.
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    John Davison Rockefeller

    Newspaper Boy

    Boy selling The Washington Daily News - sign on his hat
    reads, "Have you read The News? One cent" - headline reads
    "Millionaire tax rends G.O.P" in 1921.
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    U.S. Navy Pilots

    Navy pilots who went to England for the Schneider Cup races in 1923.
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    Man Drinking Beer during Prohibition

    Made in� 1932.
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    Cadillac Dealership

    Made in 1927.
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    Ford's Theater

    Location showing what the area looked like in 1865
    at time of Abraham Lincoln's assassination.
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    U.S. Treasury

    U.S. Treasury. Washington, D.C., showing old Riggs
    Hotel, 15th G. N.W. between 1860 and 1865.
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    Abraham Lincoln on the Antietam Battlefield

    October 3, 1862, Lincoln standing on the Battlefield of Antietam .
    The following day, October 4, 1862 his Emancipation Proclamation
    appeared for the first time on the pages of Harper's Weekly,
    the most widely distributed newspaper of the day.
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    Taxicab strike in New York

    Taxicab strike New York in 1928.
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    Cincinnati Street Cars

    This photo was made in 1913.
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    Jack Barrett with Barnum Circus

    Jack W.C. Barnett (right), performer with the Barnum and Bailey
    circus taken between circa. 1910 and circa. 1915.
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    Santa Claus and Children

    Santa Claus and Children on the streets of New York City circa 1900.

    A real treasure, scenes that we will never see again ~~~

    This is an intriguing picture of Prospector and dog ready for the summer trail.
    It was taken 1900
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    Horse team on the Overland Trail

    This picture was created in between circa. 1900
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    Two Girls Waffle House

    This picture was made in 1916.
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    Yukon Gold Company Dawson , 1914

    23 men posed outside Yukon Gold Co. Dawson , 1914.

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    Titanic and Survivors - Genuine 1912 Footage
    Collection in the British Pathe free film archive watch here

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