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    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    Inferiority Complex


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     Inferiority Complex
    Are we living lives that we really like? Ponder over it!
    Who prevents us from living a life of our choice? Are they our enemies or opponents? Neither. They are our own inhibitions!
    Inhibitions prevent us from living life the way we want to live. Very often, we hide in the burrows called inhibitions.
    Once a young man approached me and complained about his life.
    Problem: I am feeling depressed and feel like committing suicide because of my inferiority complex. All my friends are well settled in life, but I am not able to get even an ordinary job. My parents have high expectations from me and they go on reminding me about my future.
    Solution: Don't you know that there are millions of people struggling for a morsel of food and spending their entire life under the open? Are you not much better than them? Be grateful to God that he has given you good parents who are taking care of your necessities. They have given you education so that you can stand on your own feet. Why do you compare yourself with others? Always think that you are different from others, and born to achieve great things. Do you compare, compete or imitate them. You are a unique personality and therefore have faith in your potential. Why do you always think of getting a job? Why do you want to become a slave? Have confidence and create jobs for others. No work is too small or too great: it is the person who performs that job that makes it great. Work hard, manifest perfection, think deeply, and take up something, may be your own household business, or agriculture or anything. If you are sincere and honest you will certainly succeed. Don't you know our Pulla Reddy (Hyderabad) started his sweetmeat business with only one thousand rupees? But how could he succeed? Honesty, sincerity, dedication, hard work, truthfulness; these are the things which will lead you to success. Don't feel shy to do manual work. In other countries students are prepared to work anywhere. They don't mind working in hotels or petrol bunks or even household labour. We always expect white-collared jobs. Here we make so much fuss about dignity of labour: I am a big man how can I do such a small job? Give up such type of mentality. Be prepared to do anything, but do it with complete dedication and sincerity and you will certainly succeed. Don't be dependent on your parents. How can they look after you? Earn and learn. There are many opportunities if you are willing to accept them. God, who has created you, will certainly help you in your efforts. God helps those who help themselves. Don't lose heart. Have patience and continue your struggle. You will succeed. It is a silly thing to commit suicide just for the sake of job or money. Have you ever heard that that money makes a man? It is man who makes money. But don't be lazy. Don't wait for opportunities. Have confidence and courage; take risk and face challenges and you are bound to succeed. Never, never entertain the idea of suicide. Have faith that you are going to achieve great things.
    Have a great day



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