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    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    GIFT OF EXISTENCE -- Story with a good Moral


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    There lived a Sadhu who regularly used to give discourses. One day at the end of the discourse he was talking of being grateful to existence. ``Operate from a space of gratitude, `Kritajna'. This will allow us to expand.'' a beggar was sitting in a corner and listening to the discourse, he came up to the Sadhu and said, ``Maharaj, your talk was great. But one thing I am not able to do. You said to be grateful to the existence because it has always showered benediction on you. Sorry! But, existence has not given me anything. I am struggling even for one ROTI''. 
    The Sadhu said, `` I agree with you, I will give you two lacks, right here, will you be grateful?' The beggar was thrilled. ``But I want something in return from you'', said the Sadhu. ``I do not have anything, what can I give you? If I have something I will definitely give you.'' said the beggar. ``I won't ask you anything that you do not have'', said the Sadhu. The agreement was made.
    The Sadhu said, ``I will make arrangements for the two lacks; you please give me both your eyes. The beggar was astonished. ``What will I do with these two lacks without my eyes! I don't agree to the deal,'' he said. ``I prefer my two eyes to the two lacks''. The Sadhu said, ``but you said you don't have anything and were cursing existence.' 
     This is a beautiful story. Two eyes he had, then two hands, two legs, stomach etc., He is already a multi millionaire. But all these gifts we do not see. For the beggar, money was very important.
    That we can see is such a great gift of existence. We can hear. We can walk. All are great gifts. If you say you are unhappy, it is ridiculous. In fact we should dance and celebrate that existence has given us so many gifts. We are normally focused on what is missing in life. The moment you start operating from what you don't have, whatever you have also go into darkness.  

          Have a nice Day

          Dr Maheshwar

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