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    Friday, May 24, 2013

    3D Portraits of Undersea Creatures Painted onto Resin


     3D Portraits of Undersea Creatures Painted onto Resin

    Keng Lye is a talented painter and illustrator from Singapore. In his series entitled, Alive without breath, Lye paints incredible 3D portraits of undersea creatures onto multiple layers of resin. The technique was inspired by the 3D resin artwork of Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori.

    The dramatic effect could not be achieved without Lye's strong understanding of perspective and depth, as he applies acrylic paint directly onto the resin surface, maintaining the perspective of looking downwards into the bowl.

    In some of the artworks (such as the octopus, turtle and goldfish) that seem to emerge from the resin, Lye said it was an experiment to push the concept further:

    "It was a small pebble for the ranchu and octopus. For the turtle, I used an egg shell for the turtle shell and acrylic paint for the rest of the finishing."

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    The unusual three-dimensional picture of the artist Keng Lye
    Singaporean artist Keng Lye giperrealistichnye creates amazing works that can be called a sculpture, and painting at the same time.
     Watch the result that is a stunning realism art facilities.

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