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    Friday, April 26, 2013


    Click here to get beautiful emails Click here to join forumTassawwuf

    n short, Tasawwuf (Sufism) comes down to this, overcoming the laziness in doing virtuous acts (ataat) and getting them done, and overcoming the desire to commit sinful acts (gunah) and abstaining from that sin. Whoever attains this condition does not need anything more since this is the very condition that creates a bond with Allah (SWT) (Talluq MaAllah), protects this bond and strengthens it

    Hakeem ul Ummah Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A

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    Why is Sufism in Islam Important?

    If we fail to incorporate Islamic Spirituality, Sufism, into our lives, we run the risk of rendering our deeds,
    our amal, worthless through pride and arrogance, through hidden shirk.
    watch here

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