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    Sunday, April 21, 2013

    [imp.] 7 Cs of Success


     Click here to get beau7 Cs of Success

    Clarity: Eighty percent of success comes from being clear on who you are, what you believe in and what you want.

    You can't climb to the next rung on the ladder until you are excellent at what you do now.

    Eighty percent of all obstacles to success come from within. Find out what is constraining in you or your company and deal with it.
    The ability to focus on one thing single-mindedly and see it through until it's done takes more character than anything else.
    Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle; if you don't use it you'll lose it.
    Most in demand and least in supply, courage is the willingness to do the things you know are right.
    Continuous learning:
    Read, at the very least, one book a week on business to keep you miles ahead of the competition. This may be hard but it will test your desire to reach excellence/success?. Just as you eat and bathe, organize your time so you spend 30 minutes a day exploring emails, sending messages, going through websites, because like exercise, it's the only way you can keep on top of technology. If you get away from it, you'll lose your edge.

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    Recipe for Success
    Recipe for Success as well as a teacher who uses the successful nutrition


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