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    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Good tip: How to NEVER buy green onions again


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    What a good idea if you like eating green onions.

    The next time you pick up a bunch or two of green onions at the grocery store, don't eat the white ends after you've used up all the greens. Instead, stick the white root end into a glass with an inch or two of water then place it in a sunny window.

    Make sure to trim most of the green end off before you place it in the water, or they'll just get droopy!

    Within a day or two, you'll notice the green shoots starting to re-grow, and the roots in the water getting longer.

    In less than a week, they'll be back to their original size, and you can just trim off as much as you need, whenever you need it. In fact, the onions grow so fast I sometimes find myself trimming them back when I don't need any, just because they've gotten so tall!

    Not only is this a useful little "kitchen garden," it also makes a pretty little plant to sit on your windowsill. The best part, though, is knowing you'll never have to buy green onions. (change the water once a week or so)

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    How to make your green onions last click here to see the how to do video


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