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    Monday, February 4, 2013



    73rd All India Industrial Exhibition at Hyderabad
    The one-stop look for you to purchase every last one of the things you'll never utilization. What's more the same stalls each year, as well. For the purpose that right in the event that you neglected to purchase something you'll never utilization the previous year, you can make up for it this time around.

    The Exhibition Grounds are known best for this quite-cherished modern show. Yet did you realize that there are different things kept here too? Wager you didn't. Ha! There are truth be told numerous different occasions kept here. For example, the yearly National Science Exhibition, with its perpetual lines of nerds and training-safe schoolchildren being crowded along, and the somewhat hoity universal member stalls.

    The Hyderabad Art Society has kept its yearly demonstrates here with neighborhood and national virtuosos at the grounds, and the zone is likewise prominent with schools and conglomerations that keep rivalries of different kinds. The Indian Consumer Exhibition is in addition a huge best, as is the National Handloom Expo, showcasing fabrics from everywhere blue grass

    All photos by Ateeq Ahmed.





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