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    Friday, September 14, 2012

    [nidokidos] Villages of Punjab - Pakistan


    Villages of Punjab - Pakistan
    Punjab is the most developed, most populous, and most prosperous province of Pakistan. Lahore has traditionally been the capital of Punjab for a thousand years; it is Punjab's main cultural, historical, administrative and economic center.
    Life in a typical Punjabi village in Pakistan, starts early in the morning. The senior village dwellers along with not so insignificant number of village youth turn to the village mosque for offering their early morning Fajr prayers. After prayer, a delicious rich breakfast awaits the village men. The breakfast itself comprises of either fresh milk (cow or buffalo's) or a hot brew of tea with a good amount of milk and sugar.
    After breakfast, the men folk move to the fields where they start performing different chores of cultivation like plowing, sowing, and harvesting depending upon the season.Most villages in Pakistan are situated away from the noise of the city life. They are peaceful and silent places. A typical Pakistani village consists of unpaved paths and streets. Its houses are made of mud.

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