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    Tuesday, August 28, 2012

    [nidokidos] How To Build Trust in Relationships


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    How To Build Trust in Relationships

    Firstly let us understand what Trust is.


    Trust is the permanent certainty and confident expectation from someone for something. Lack of trust might lead to shattered relations so Trust is the most critical ingredient for strong relationship; the relation which can either be between Husband-Wife, Boss-Employee, Father-Son, Brother-Sister, Supplier-Customer and so on.

    Here are some recommended 'behaviors' which you need to demonstrate in order to develop trust.

    1- Being Responsible: ensure you are performing your day-to-day responsibilities and meeting the short-term and long term expectations by your dependants.

    2- Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen: God has given you two ears and one tongue so you listen more and speak less. Effective Listening is a skill; develop this habit. Google it today and learn.

    3- Being Truthful: Be honest and fair. Don't deceive someone. Remember the fact that building trust is tough but it takes seconds to have scratches-in-the-jewel which usually is very hard to recover.

    4- Keeping Promises: your promise is your commitment with someone to do something, so don't break at any cost. In case you couldn't meet your promise, there is always a door for dialogue for re-consideration of things. In case of dialogues be fair, be truthful and be open. Confess the short comings on your end.

    5- Consistent Behavior: the ever changing attitude is an indication of your non-predictive personality which is an anti-trust drive. So be consistent in what you speak and what you do.

    6- Apologizing Behavior: Sorry is the best medicine in healing relationship complications.

    In fact, Sorry and Thanks are the two golden words 

    Use them often and you will see massive improvements in your daily life.

    Sent by:

    ALAN 'Peter' HILDER

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     How to Build Trust

    For most people, the ability to experience of building trust in relationships begins in childhood. As we grow older, the way we build trust doesn't change much.

    watch how it builds up


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