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    Sunday, June 24, 2012

    [nidokidos] The meaning of being sisters


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    The meaning of being sisters
    By Fatima Abduraouf
    29 April 2011
    04 Rabi-Ul-Thani 1432
    All sisters are a gift from Allah.
    All sisters should be dearest friends Wallah. 
    Sisters stay by your side, through good and bad
    Sisters won't turn their backs when you're sad

    Sisters will hardly ever let you down
    They'll never twist a smile into a frown
    they're always around, lending a hand
    Sisters are the best when they're around, 

    Sisters leave their footprints all abound
    Sisters love theatre, movies and to be around
    Sisters love being together on a night out
    Sisters know exactly what they are about

    Sisters love to give advice to one another, 
    Sisters will always love each other
    their love and respect will never go away 
    In fact Allah let this love grow every day

    Sisters might disagree on certain issues
    As tears flow, out come the tissues
    Sometimes they have verbal fights
    Yet their love remains very tight
    Sisters will always stick together like glue
    They are a support structure, this is true
    No matter where your sisters may venture
    Every day together as sisters, is an adventure!

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