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    Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    [nidokidos] PTI Historic jalsa in Liaqat bagh Rawalpindi Pakistan


    PTI Historic jalsa in Liaqat bagh Rawalpindi Pakistan
    Khan, who was speaking during a PTI rally at Rawalpindi's Liaquat Bagh on Sunday, threatened the government of a 'Tsunami March' to Islamabad if they did not comply with the court's verdict.
    According to some media reports, the crowd had become quiet unruly and impatient while waiting for Imran Khan.
    Earlier it was reported that Khan was likely to announce his party's strategy for the next parliamentary elections during today's rally.
    Beginning his speech late at around 10 pm, Khan said that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had uplifted the Muslim community by establishing rule of law,
     adding that PTI would do the same if they came into power to uplift Pakistan and end the current rule of oppression.
    Lashing out at Gilani's recent tour of the United Kingdom, Khan said that the prime minister's official trip was appalling because he had doled out millions of rupees by taking along with him an entourage of 80 people, including spending Rs 7 million on clothes.
    'PTI is most popular party'
    Khan also spoke against Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), saying that the party had lost popularity in Punjab in recent years. Citing a popularity survey conducted by an international organization, he said that PML-N's acceptance had fallen to 41 per cent from 80 per cent, while PTI's popularity had risen to 33 per cent in the province and most popular in the country.
    Khan said that the nation was paying the price for the government's incompetence and corruption, in the form of inflation. He cited examples of the financial mismanagement in state organisations, including Pakistan International Airlines, Pakistan Railways, Pakistan Steel Mill and in the energy sector.
    Economic reforms
    He assured the gathering that PTI will tax the wealthy, as one of the means to reduce inflation, improve the system of governance to encourage investment in order to make the country self sufficient and refrain from taking loans from international donor agencies.
    Mentioning the Pakistani community abroad, he referred to them as one of the biggest assets of Pakistan since they continued to send millions in remittances. Reinforcing his point, Khan quoted his fundraising events for Namal College in Manchester and Glasgow, where he said that Pakistanis donated generously, raising millions of rupees in one evening.
    General Elections
    Khan said that a conspiracy was being hatched to rig the next general elections but that no one could come in the way of PTI's success.
    Sindh and Balochistan
    Khan announced that PTI's next rally would be in Hyderabad, adding that PTI would end oppression by the feudal in Sindh, adding that his party would form a relation with the people of Sindh unlike some parties in the province that were forming relations with powerful parties. Khan added he would not allow division of Sindh.
    Khan said that he would give Balochistan "special status" and make it Pakistan's most progressive province.
    Speaking on education reforms, he said that PTI would strive for an equal education system for rich and poor, alike.
    Imran Khan Rawalpindi Speech Khan also underscored the fact that Pakistan could become a great nation because it had a vibrant youth population and was rich in natural resources, including fertile lands and tons of mineral resources.
    The PTI chief, during the speech gave a special mention to the Insaf Student Federation (ISF), the party's student wing, calling them the party's 'tigers'. He also acknowledged members of the lawyers community, minority communities and people from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for attending the rally.

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