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    Friday, May 25, 2012

    [nidokidos] Also Pakistan – II


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    Also Pakistan – II

    Following is a sequel to the illustrated feature Also Pakistan.

    There is very little memory left of a Pakistan that today almost seems like an alien planet compared to what it has been ever since the mid-1980s.

    Here, I share with you some interesting photographs that I have managed to gather in the last couple of years of that alien country. A place that was also called Pakistan.

    This sequel comprises images of vintage artifacts and photographs that couldn’t make it to the first part.

    Nadeem F. Paracha 

    *All images have been provided by the author.




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    Karachi 1977

    The song was recorded at the band�s performance at the Horse Shoe nightclub in January 1977.

    watch a recording of The Communications � a funk band from Karachi.

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