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    Sunday, April 29, 2012



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    People will forget what you said,

    People will forget what you did, but

    People will never forget how you made them feel�..



    Cant stop worrying? Try out our seven ways to beat the bother and boost your happiness. Whilst worrying is necessary for spurring us on to achieve our goals, chronic worrying can disrupt the balance in our nervous system and be detrimental to our health.

    Here are seven ways to wash away your worries:

    How to stop worrying, tip 1: Forget the things you cant change
    If youre worrying about something thats happened in the past, you need to stop. The power of your mind isnt strong enough to solve problems through panic, so its important to beat your worries by thinking logically and tackling them head-on. Bad memories from the past are toxic to our health and highly counterproductive so you must bury the burdens of your past and move on.

    How to stop worrying, tip 2: Write a worry list

    Write down everything youre worried about; the bills, your job, the � everything. Then rate them on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the things that are concerning you most. You can then turn your worry list into an action list. Take action on the worries that you rated the highest first, and then work through the rest of the list. You will feel a sense of relief each time you tick a worry off, and this is a sure-fire way to boost your happiness and relieve your worries.

    How to stop worrying, tip 3: Discipline your thoughts
    If youre a chronic worrier, you need to learn to take control of your thoughts rather than letting them take control of you. To do this, every time you think a negative thought, you must turn it into a positive. Every time you worry, think is this really helpful?� If the answer is no, turn the thought into a positive or forget it completely. Whilst this may seem difficult at first, it will eventually become second nature and you will find that turning a negative into a positive is a much more constructive way of dealing with your thoughts.

    How to stop worrying, tip 4: Distract yourself through relaxation

    When were worried � particularly about a number of things at once � our brains dont tend to find a logical solution to our problems. In order to think logically, we must take the time to relax and unwind. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth. After a couple of minutes of relaxation, the tension will leave your body and you will be in a better position to tackle the problem from a fresh perspective.

    How to stop worrying, tip 5: Talk to friends and family

    A problem shared is a problem halved. Talk to your family, your friends, or a doctor if you have a good relationship with them. Sometimes saying your problems out loud can get your thoughts straight in your head and if youre worrying about something useless, saying it out loud can make you realise that its just not worth the worry. With those close to you, you can laugh, cry, and moan as much as you like without being judged and this is a healthy way to relieve stress.

    How to stop worrying, tip 6: Confront the problem head-on

    Some worries cant be tamed through talking to others or relaxation. A problem that wont go away until you physically do something about it needs to be confronted head-on. Sometimes, we have so much on our mind that we dont know what to deal with first. Make a decision on which problem you want to solve and how you will go about it, and then stick to it. You will probably find that once you resolve the problem, youll wish youd done something about it sooner.

    How to stop worrying tip 7: Put things into perspective

    Dont be overwhelmed by small things; try and see the bigger picture. Is your problem really as bad as youre making it out to be? The chances are there will be many people worse off than you. Instead of zoning in on certain things and panicking about them, put everything into perspective. Does this problem affect your entire life? Will you still be panicking about this in a few weeks or months time? If the answer is no, then its really not worth the worry.

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    How To Be Happy With Less

    We're not going to tell you money can't buy you happiness. But you can be just as happy with a lot less than you have now.

    watch the ways to do it



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