in this context i am sharing the incident which happened to Tooba.
She was brutally murdered by her in-laws & husband just after 10 months of her marriage.
She was 7 months pregnant and they killed her with her baby daughter.
Why this happen to a girl who is Some one's daughter, Some one's sister,
Some one's Toobi, and Smiles & Care for everyone.....
We don't know why they did such shameful thing to Tooba, why?
Why they killed Tooba along with her daughter .
Here are two reasons for killin daughter/ son
2- Honor killing
The word filicide derives from the Latin words filius meaning "son" or filia meaning daughter
and the suffix -cide meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. "A filicide" may refer to the parent
who killed his or her child as well as to the criminal act that the parent committed.
In some cultures, killing a daughter who is deemed to have disgraced the family is a common occurrence -see honor killing.
A 1999 US Department of Justice study concluded that between 1976 and 1997 in the United States,
mothers were responsible for a higher share of children killed during infancy,
while fathers were more likely to have been responsible for the murders of children age 8 or older.
Furthermore, 52% of the children killed by their mothers were male (maternal filicide),
while 57% of the children killed by their fathers were male (paternal filicide).
Parents were responsible for 61% of children murders under the age of five; filicide is the third leading cause of death.
Honor killing :
due to the belief of the perpetrators that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or community.
Honor killings are directed mostly against women and girls, but have been extended to men.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that perhaps as many as 5,000 women and girls a year
are killed by members of their own families. Many women's groups in the Middle East
and Southwest Asia suspect the number of victims is about four times greater.
Accoring to Dr. Shahrzad Mojab, a University of Toronto professor of women's studies,
followers of Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity have used their religions as
a rationale to commit honour killings. However, Mojab stated that honor killings don't have "any
definite connection with religion at all." She also pointed out that honor killings have been
practised before any major religion came into existence.
Actions of Pakistani police officers and judge have, in the past, seemed to support
the act of honor killings in the name of family honor. Police enforcement,
in situations of admitted murder, do not always take action against the perpetrator.
Also, judges in Pakistan, rather than ruling cases with gender equality in mind,
also seem to reinforce inequality and in some cases sanction the murder of women considered dishonorable.
who deserved to die. He said that those who are killed have "loose morals" and are rightfully shot
by relatives in honor killings. He did not vilify women alone but added that "If a woman runs around
and if a man runs around with her, both of them are killed."
from 17 years in prison to 15 years in the case of honor killings practiced in Norway.
He stated that the Norwegian public did not understand other cultures who practiced honor killings,
or understand their thinking, and that Norwegian culture "is self-righteous".
belonging to the Umrani tribe by a relative of a local Umrani politician. Zehri defended the killings in
Parliament and asked his fellow legislators not to make a fuss about the incident. He said,
"These are centuries-old traditions, and I will continue to defend them.
Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid."
who had struggled against the honor killing in Pakistan, resigned in April 2007 after the clerics accused
her of bringing shame to Pakistan by para-jumping with a male and hugging him after landing.
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