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    Thursday, November 24, 2011

    [nidokidos] Woodpecker Have 200 Species

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    Woodpecker Have 200 Species

    Woodpecker is in actuality mind-blowing bird; there are approximately 200 classes of woodpecker live in the jungle and woodlands worldwide. Woodpeckers are found on every continent with the exception of the Polar Regions, Australia and Madagascar. The smallest kind of woodpecker is the Bar-breasted Pickled that only grows to 8cm in height. The Gray Salty woodpecker from south East Asia is the largest breathing woodpecker in the world with some of these woodpecker individuals growing to nearly 60 cm tall. The woodpecker has a distinctive long beak, which the woodpecker uses to make holes in trees. The woodpecker does this in order to dig out the grubs living under the bark. The average woodpecker is able to peck up to 20 pecks per second! The woodpecker is only able to peck so much and move its head so quickly without getting a headache due to the air pockets that help to cushion the woodpecker's brain. Here i collected different woodpecker images.

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