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    Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    [nidokidos] Daman-e-Koh at Islamabad


    Islamabad - Pakistan
    Viewing Islamabad City from the top
    Daman-e-Koh in Urdu & Persian means: "in the lap of the mountain"
    hi friends
    while going back to my home town , i decided to visit islamabad. but due to lack of time we visited only Daman-e-koh.
    Daman-e-koh is a beautiful point to view the whole Islamabad city from the top from hill points.
    i hope you will like these pics.
    Nidokidos Admin.
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    Daman-e-Koh, about 3000ft from sea level and almost 1000ft higher than City of Islamabad, is a viewing point and hill top modern garden, popular among the residents as well as the visitors to this capital town of the nation.

    Geologically, it is a spur, off shooting from the main Margalla Hills, which comprise the Margalla National Park.

    Daman-e-Koh in Urdu & Persian means: "in the lap of the mountain"; wherein Daman is literally lower frontal part of the Kurta/Kameez (local name for long shirts) which covers the groins thus making a lap while sitting and Koh in Persian means mountain.

    This viewpoint is north of Islamabad at the foot of and in the middle of the Margalla Hills. This extra-ordinary garden has two wings known as the "north" and "south" viewpoints and is accessible by road or on foot.

    Daman-e-Koh is a midpoint for tourists on their way to the higher view point Pir Sohawa which is located at the top of Margalla Hills at an elevation of about 5000ft. There is a plan to construct a chairlift from Daman-e-Koh to Pir Sohawa. It is speculated that this plan would start materializing in the near future.

    Car parking facility is provided close to the Northern Spot where a cafe and some small tuck shops cater the needs of guests. A restaurant is located on the Southern Spot overlooking the city. The Southern Spot is the main attraction as it provides a panoramic view of Islamabad. Telescopes are installed for keener observers. A board displaying basic information about Islamabad is installed for the people coming from outside the city.

    Capital Development Authority (CDA) has further developed the viewpoint by upgrading the restaurant, widening the car-parking and providing other necessary facilities. CDA has put in service electric-powered cars to facilitate access for tourists, especially the senior citizens, between Northern and Southern spots.

    There is a view of Faisal Mosque, the newly constructed "Seventh Avenue" and Rawal Lake poses a nice glittering view in southeast.

    The place is a haven for bird watchers. More than 70 different native as well as migrating bird are seen here during various parts of the year. Monkeys are a common sight during winter. It is little risky trying to play or negotiate with or feed these otherwise friendly creatures. Cheetahs are (frequently) reported as seen in these foothills, mostly during winter. They are believed to descend from higher hills of Murree in snowfall days.

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