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    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    [nidokidos] BENEFITS OF EXERCISE.


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    As we all become health conscious, we realise the importance of strict and regular physical activity. But do we know all the
    benefits of exercise?

    1. The elixir to long life! According to an age old study, exercise reduces the chance of premature death.

    2. Help you have a lovely heart! Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular muscles and enhances blood circulation. Cholesterol
    is checked by the burning of those extra calories and blood pressure is regulated. Aerobic exercises are seen to benefit hypertensive individuals and the diabetics.

    3. Makes you brainy! It promotes brain health by stimulating the formation of new brain cells thereby aiding memory and cognition.
    Those exercise have a remote chance of suffering from hemorrhage and stroke. If you have a family history of alzheimers then make it
    a point to sweat out and let your brain produce those chemicals that prevent Alzheimers causing inflammation.

    4. On the move for flexibility! Obesity and weight gain can be solved only with regular exercise. The more intense the exercise
    the more are the calories burnt.

    5. For the smile! Exercise also helps to life your mental health, thwart depression and keep stress at bay. It might sound ironical
    that exercise would rid of fatigue by boosting energy.

    6. Pain for pain. Being active would reduce joint pains and injuries, and help with arthritis. Weight bearing exercises improve
    bone strength and prevent bone loss.

    7. For a great night! It not only soothes you in to a sound sleep but also energises you for a better sex life.

    8. Last not the least, you will gain remarkable self esteem with a well toned body.

    It is recommended that you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in some form everyday irrespective of your age and gender.
    But, just keep in mind that however hard you exercise you should be able to carry on a conversation without panting.

    Wishing you good health,
    Mohammad Ashraful Amin
    Sr. Assistant Secretary
    GOVT. of Bangladesh
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    Benefits of Daily Exercise

    Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.

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