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    Monday, September 26, 2011

    [nidokidos] Facing River Of Difficulties


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    A very tired traveler came to the banks of a river.
    There was no bridge by which he could cross.
    It was winter, and the surface of the river was covered with ice.
    It was getting dark, and he wanted to reach the other side
    while there was enough light to see.
    He debated about whether or not the ice would bear his weight.

    Finally, after much hesitation and fear, he got down on his knees
    and began very cautiously to creep across the surface of the ice.
    He hoped that by disturbing the weight of his body,
    the ice would be less apt to break under the load.
    After he made his slow and painful journey about halfway across the river,
    he suddenly heard the sound of singing behind him.
    Out of the dusk, there came a 4-horse load of coal driven by a man singing merrily
    as he went to his carefree way.

    Here was the traveler, fearfully inching his way on his hands and knees.
    And there, as if whisked along by the winter's wind, went the driver,
    his horses, his sled, and the heavy load of coal over the same river!
    The story illustrates how many of us go through life.

    Their faith is UNSHAKABLE.
    …When we face the river of difficulties, we do not have to fear, nor do we creep through life.
    God has promised to help, and with God's help we can merrily make our way to the other side safely.

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