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    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    [nidokidos] Dengue Fever





    Dear All


    You all will be aware of the recent heavy outbreak of Dengue Fever in the country. This disease is caused by a virus that is transmitted from one person to other through the bite of a mosquito (Aedes). This mosquito grows around stagnant water ,ponds, drains, plant pots & waste materials like old tires, furniture etc. The Common Dengue Fever presents with high grade fever(upto103°F) with chills, headache & body pain, weakness & sometimes pinkish red rash on the skin. It is a self limiting disease & the patient recovers within few days.


    There is no specific treatment & Prevention remains the best defense against this disease. Attached are some common but effective precautions & preventive measures those can help us to protect ourselves & our families from this disease.


    Warm Regards


    QA Department

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