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    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    [nidokidos] Jheengay Karahi (king Prawn Curry)


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    (King prawn curry)

    500grm king prawns
    4-6 tbsp oil
    5 tomatoes
    3 tbsp yogurt
    ½ tsp ajwain
    1 medium onion ( fine thin cubes)
    2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    ¾ tsp salt or to taste but better less!!!
    ½ tsp red chilli powder
    2 pinches of turmeric(haldi)
    3 green chillies
    ½ bunch of fresh coriander ( fine chopped)
    -peel the tomatoes and take out seed of 3,
    let the rest two with seeds and cut in thin slices
    -heat the wok, sprinkle the ajwain and let splutter
    -now fry in the onion cubes in it till light pinkish
    -give in the tomatoes and let cook till soft
    -add in the yogurt so it makes a thick gravy
    -add all the spices, stir well on a low heat
    -fry the prawns in 3-4 tbsp of oil in a separate pan,
    on high flame so the water dries up quick
    -sprinkle the lemon juice while frying,as they turn light pink,
    add them into the tomato gravy
    -let simmer and add the green chillies in the end
    -garnish with fresh coriander


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    Prawn Patia

    Another delicious Parsi dish which is sweet, sour and hot. The gravy is really thick & rich.

    This is a wonderful dish

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