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    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    [nidokidos] This New Day,


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    This New Day,

    There's no value to be had in harboring resentment for whatever brought you to this point.
    What matters now is that you fill this day with the best that you have.
    What matters now is that you make full and positive use of the day that is.
    This day has the very real potential of being a turning point in your life. Years from now,
     you could be looking back on this day with an overflowing sense of satisfaction and gratitude.
    What can you do, right now, that would cause that to happen?
    What value can you put into this day that will grow ever more
     precious as time goes on?
    This day is the time and the place for you to carry your life forward.
    So where do you choose to go?
     ~Ralph Marston~


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