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    Friday, January 21, 2011

    [nidokidos] Khatti Daal


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    Khatti Daal

    Daal masoor 2 cups
    Tomato 1
    Red chilli powder 1/2 tsp
    Salt to taste
    Ginger/Garlic paste 2 tsp
    Kari patta few leaves
    Zeera 1/2 tsp
    Red chilli (whole)
    Immli ka pani 1/2 cup
    Kalonji 1/2 tsp
    Garlic 3 cloves

    First of all boil the daal with red chilli powder, salt,
    tomato, ginger/garlic paste.
    Blend it in a blender for 1-2 minutes.
    Then put it in a pot, add green corriander, kari patta,
    and imli water and simmer on low heat for 10 more minutes.

    When the daal bcomes thick then remove from heat.
    In a frying pan heat oil then add zeera, red pepper whole,
    kalonji, kari patta
    and chopped garlic cloves and when it gets golden brown,
    put this baghaar on daal
    and quickly cover the pot so that it infuses the smoke.

    Serve hot with rice or chapati.

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    Low-Fat Daal with Tomatoes

    This low-fat and colourful recipe for daal is both delicious and nutritious.

    watch its recipe

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