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    Sunday, January 30, 2011

    [nidokidos] The Journey of the Soul


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    The Journey of the Soul

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    Pieces of your life fall around you
    Like raindrops in a storm.

    The path you chose so long ago
    Led you straight to hurts door.

    Now your weary feet struggle
    To find the road back home,
    Searching for the places
    That love and beauty hide.

    Temptations lie in wait all around,
    Pulling at your every step,
    Waiting for you to slide back
    From the chosen, sought for, path.

    Emptiness surrounds you,
    Confusing your perceptions.
    It is difficult to carry on.

    I will do my best to fill your heart with joy,
    To clear the cobwebs of confusion,
    Help you find your purpose.

    I am good at catching pieces
    And I can chase away a storm.

    Let me walk your path beside you,
    I have walked this road before.

    You can lean on me when the weariness comes.
    My shoulders are very strong.

    I can not fight your battles,
    Or chase away demons of the soul,
    But I can lend you my strength
    Until you find your own.

    I will help you find the courage
    To face each day anew.

    I can not shorten the journey you must make,
    The road is just as long as before.

    But I can fill the emptiness
    And help you reach your center,
    The place where love and beauty hide.

    Take my hand, be my friend,
    Let me walk with you awhile.

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